Over R25 million spent paying salaries of suspended Mpumalanga public servants

Issued by Bosman Grobler: MPL – DA Chairperson: Mpumalanga Province
27 Jan 2025 in Press Releases

The Democratic Alliance (DA) finds it unacceptable that Mpumalanga taxpayers have coughed up over R25 million in the last financial year paying salaries of 45 officials who have been sitting at home doing nothing.

A 2023/2024 annual report for Mpumalanga has revealed that seven government departments in the province spent R25 476 856 (million) on salaries for 45 officials who have been on precautionary suspension for over 60 days (about 2 months) – and sitting at home and yet enjoying the spoils of the public service.

Having officials suspended well over 60 days is a violation of the Disciplinary Codes and Procedure for Public Service Policy and the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Public Service Precautionary Suspensions Guide – which stipulates that the period of a precautionary suspension should not exceed 60 days. This means that the seven Mpumalanga government departments in question did not adhere to these guidelines.

Below is how much each of the seven departments spent on suspended officials: 

  • The Health Department spent R 3.9 million on 22 officials who have been suspended. Some suspended for over a year. 
  • Public Works, Roads and Transport spent over R228 000 on one official who has been suspended for 365 days. 
  • Education spent over R1.3 million on 9 officials who have been suspended for over 60 days. 
  • The Department of Social Development spent over R328 000 on one official suspended for 240 days. 
  • The Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison spent nearly R11.5 million on eight employees who have been suspended for over 60 days. 
  • Office of the Premier spent nearly R1.5 million on one employee who has been suspended for 366 days. 
  • The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism spent over R6.7 million on two employees who have been suspended for over 60 days.  

With huge service delivery shortages in Mpumalanga, the Democratic Alliance (DA) finds it extremely concerning to note that since 2016, our spending on precautionary suspension has escalated from R3.4 million a year to R25 476 856 (million) in the 2023/2024 financial year.

In light of the recent Eskom crisis and stagnant service delivery, the provincial government needs to eliminate the unnecessary expenditure and run government in a way that its constituencies benefit.

Recognising the negative impact such wasteful expenditure has on the public purse and on service delivery in particular, the DA calls on Public Service employers to stick to the disciplinary procedures as contained in DPSA guides and ensure that effective systems are in place to prevent protracted suspensions. They must use precautionary suspension only when all avenues have proven fruitless and opt to use a precautionary transfer when possible.