ANC-led Govan Mbeki splurges on driver’s licences amid financial instability

Issued by Lehlohonolo Madumise – DA Caucus Whip in Govan Mbeki Local Municipality
17 Sep 2024 in Press Releases

The DA in Govan Mbeki Local Municipality calls on the Municipal Manager, Elliot Maseko, to institute an investigation against officials who paid R160 000 to upgrade the driving licence of four employees.

According to a report that was presented in the Human Resource Development Committee, the exorbitant amount was paid to a Secunda based driving school. The report further indicates that these four employees were trained over a 20-day period.

To our knowledge, the standard price for securing a driver’s licence through a driving school ranges between R2500 and R5000. However, in this instance, the report shows that the municipality was charged R40 000 per person.

Owing over R4 billion to its creditors,  this municipality suffers from persistent water and electricity shortages.  Therefore, spending R160 000 to upgrade the driving license of just four employees is illogical. The municipality should be working towards improving its expenditure and revenue collection.

The failure of the current ANC administration in this municipality has impacted negatively on service delivery. Ratepayers have been subject to mediocre services for far too long.

We will not sit back and allow such misconduct to go unaccounted for. Govan Mbeki is financially unstable because of such decisions.

Given the above, we will write to the Municipal Manager, Elliot Maseko, calling on him to institute an investigation into this matter.  We will ensure that the rule of the law is upheld and that officials who are implicated in this alleged corruption are brought to book.