DA succeeds in persuading Mpumalanga Government to declare fire-affected areas as Provincial Disaster

Issued by Tersia Marshall MPL – DA Spokesperson on Agriculture: Mpumalanga Province
18 Jul 2024 in Press Releases

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Mpumalanga has managed to successfully persuade the Provincial Government to declare fire-affected areas in the province as Provincial Disaster.

Following the severe fires that ravaged several areas across the province, the DA submitted a formal request urging the Mpumalanga Provincial Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land, and Environmental Affairs and its MEC, Nompumelelo Hlophe, to take swift action and declare those areas as provincial disaster so that those affected could be helped. In a response letter dated July 17 2024, MEC Hlophe acknowledged the DA’s request and declared parts of Mpumalanga affected by recent fire incidents as a provincial disaster area. As stipulated in section 23(5) of the Disaster Management Act, MEC Hlophe said the disaster will be classified as a provincial disaster, having affected more than one district municipality.

The MEC also confirmed that her office has initiated comprehensive damage assessments, which have now been concluded on a technical level. She said that her department’s findings of this comprehensive damage assessment, which detail the extent of the damage in hectares, the number of animals affected, and the impact on farmers and affected communities, will be processed in accordance with the Disaster Management Act (Act No.57 of 2002). She also added that the report will be reviewed by the Provincial Executive Committee, which will make recommendations for further action. She added that the veld fire report will be presented to the Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC) and the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development (DALRRD).

The DA commends the swift action taken by MEC Hlophe and the provincial government in addressing this critical situation. We remain committed to working collaboratively to ensure that the affected communities receive the support they need during this challenging time.

The MEC’s office has also assured that all activities related to this disaster are being given the full and urgent attention they deserve to mitigate any further consequences on food security and local economic growth.

According to the MEC’s letter to the DA, Mpumalanga Premier, Mandla Ndlovu, in consultation with all the MECs, may also declare a provincial state of disaster by notice in the Provincial Gazette. This declaration will enable the affected departments to reprioritise their budgets to provide immediate relief to the farmers and the communities impacted by these devastating fires.

She mentioned that should the sector departments require additional funds beyond their current budgets, the Provincial Treasurer and National Disaster Management Centre will be approached to secure the necessary financial support.