Still no progress with Hluvukani roads

Issued by Canuel Mnisi – DA Councilor Bushbuckridge Local Municipality
13 Feb 2024 in Press Releases

The DA in Bushbuckridge is concerned that the roads in Hluvukani ward 33 and ward 34 Welverdien are not nearing completion.

Notably, the municipality committed that the upgrades on these roads would be completed within the first quarter of this year. 

As things stand, it does not look like the municipality will achieve this objective. The contractor is still having challenges with paying Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) and workers.

Previously, it emerged that the contractor didn’t have funds for diesel. Therefore, no work is being done on the roads. 

The tender of this road has been moving from one contractor to another. The municipality keeps parting with millions, however, there is little to show for it. 

In 2022, the tender for these roads was re-advertised and awarded to Rimpfumelo Enterprises, this came shortly after a community protest as residents took their frustrations to the streets and demanded that the government start delivering services.

Speculation was rife that the tender was awarded to a relative of the previous contractor. However, residents turned a blind eye in the hope that the newly appointed contractor will do what was expected of them.

Residents deserve to know that the ANC’s incompetence has delayed the development of Bushbuckridge. It is disappointing to note that no one in the municipality has been held accountable for allegedly tampering with the tenders meant for upgrading the road. 

Many accidents in Bushbuckridge can be attributed to the poor state of our roads. The Government’s failure in this regard has inconvenienced the livelihoods of residents. The continuous regression of these roads has also caused major damage to vehicles.

In many instances, motorists have been unfortunate and hit a pothole. This has also led to a tire blowout, throwing the vehicle out of the roadway and causing an accident.

The DA calls on the department’s MEC, Mandla Ndlovu, to urgently institute an investigation into these tenders and prioritize refurbishing the roads.