Premier’s office irregularly spends million of rands on an IT contract

Issued by Trudie Grovè-Morgan – MPL DA Spokesperson on Office of the Premier
22 Oct 2024 in Press Releases

The DA in Mpumalanga has learnt with dismay that in the previous administration officials in the premier’s office flouted Treasury regulations when they awarded a R21.13 million IT tender. 

It is understood that the tender PRE/040/14MP was awarded to CA JV for computer services related to maintenance and support costs for the Cyber incident investigation Management System (CiiMS).  

However, the Auditor General has highlighted that the premier’s office lacked  internal controls measures  as they approved the payment of R21.13M to CA JV without supporting evidence of the IT services being rendered. 

As a result, there was non-compliance with Treasury regulation 8.1.1, which calls on the accounting officer to ensure that the correct procedures are followed. 

In February 2023, the former accounting officer appointed a consultant to investigate the irregular payment of R21.13M. Recommendations were made once the investigation was completed consequently two officials were suspended. 

One official went on to resign before disciplinary procedures began and the other official got away with a written warning. 

In the 2023/24 financial year costs relating to business consultants increased by 21.5% as well as legal costs increased by a staggering 134%. 

It has also come to light that the office of the premier  is currently in the Mpumalanga high court trying to recoup the monies.

The DA calls on the Premier to take a firm stance on such irregularities as the AG has identified similar incidents in most of the government departments. 

The DA will not turn a blind eye to negligence and poor contract management. We will submit questions to the Premier’s office asking him to provide reports regarding this issue as well as all the costs involved.